1. Have FUN... that's the main reason you're here and the reason we run this fed.
  2. Role Play to win...  Regardless of push or storyline, if you don't RP, you can't win.
  3. When in doubt, QUALITY beats QUANTITY every time!
  4. Keep the profanity to a minimum.  We'll let it slide, if it is not excessive.  If you overdue it we will delete your role plays and suspend or remove your characters from the roster!
  5. Don't ask to win!  If you do, you will LOSE, and you may be removed from the roster!
  6. Use your imagination when creating your wrestler
    (it's fine to
    emulate your favorite wrestler, just don't say you are your favorite wrestler)
  7. Send us any ideas you have for storylines and angles... we're always open to suggestions

Remember: QUALITY is more important than QUANTITY!!!

Thanks for playing!!!